Oklahoma City Medical Records Scanning
Oklahoma City Scanning offer HIPAA and FACTA compliant medical records scanning for hospitals, retail clinics, physicians, and medical facilities. We can help your health care organization convert to a secure electronic health records system.
Electronic medical storage gives you the ability to store patient information securely and share it with other facilities easily. We help provide a secure, compliant organization-wide solution for your electronic record scanning and online storage needs.
To get free, no obligation quotes today, fill out the form or give us a call at (405) 708-6340. Within minutes of receiving your request, we’ll be in contact to help you with your project.
Medical Records Scanning Services
By converting your medical records into a digital format, you’ll be able to maintain your documents to ensure you’re in compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, the Fair and Accurate Credit Reporting Act (FACTA), and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
Medical record scanning helps maintain complete and secure medical records for your patients that are in compliance with HIPAA, FACTA, and all other State and Federal regulations. We have several options to import files into your existing Electronic Health Record system, or can help you determine the best fit if you’re looking for a new EHR that integrates with existing systems in your facility.
Electronic solutions help to organize and manage enterprise-wide documents that help increase the quality of patient care and reduce the risk of liabilities related to outdated paperwork or lost records.
Off-Site Medical Records Storage
Off-site medical record storage frees up more space to organize your most often-used documents. All files that need to be kept long-term and not accessed regularly can be stored off-site at a secure facility. These records can be accessed when you need them.
Since you have federal and state laws that require you to retain medical records for an extended amount of time, scanning your medical records and using offsite storage can reduce your onsite storage costs and provide superior protection from fire, theft, or loss.
Disaster Prevention and Recovery
Combined with reliable data recovery and backup support service, off-site storage solutions from Oklahoma City Scanning can help your medical practice to get back on its feet in the event of an unforeseen catastrophe quickly.
Get Free Quotes on Medical Records Scanning & Storage In Oklahoma City and Surrounding Areas
Oklahoma City Scanning can help you find a secure medical records scanning and storage provider that can handle your project and all your requirements. We are experts in medical records scanning services, can handle your sensitive records properly to ensure your practice or facility is protected from conversion to storage and/or disposal.
To get free, no obligation quotes today, fill out the form or give us a call at (405) 708-6340. Within minutes of receiving your request, we’ll be in contact to help you with your project.
105 N Hudson Ave
Oklahoma City, OK 73102
Phone: (405) 708-6340
E-Mail: info@oklahomacityscanning.com